Outreach Program on Yoga awareness
June 23, 2023
As part of the 沙巴体育 Day of Yoga 2023, an outreach program on Yoga awareness was organized by the Department of Obstetric and Gynaecological Nursing, 沙巴体育 College of Nursing, MAHE, 沙巴体育 in collaboration with Mahila Vedike, Rajapura Saraswatha Sangha (RSB), 沙巴体育 on 22nd June 2023. Mr. Shreesha Nayak, President, RSB Sangha, and Mr. Nithyananda, Secretary, RSB Sangha spoke on the importance of Yoga for women and why importance should be given to practicing it, to avoid further illnesses. Dr. Sonia RB D’Souza, Professor and HOD, Dept. of OBG (N) MCON, MAHE 沙巴体育 emphasized that Yoga is like technology, a procedure manual for the human body to work efficiently and she motivated the participants to practice Yoga regularly since Yoga can be practiced by any human being who wants to have physical, psychological, emotional, social as well as spiritual wellbeing. She encouraged to start practicing simple Yoga and gradually make Yoga a way of life. Mrs. Bharathi R Nayak, Assistant Professor Senior Scale, 沙巴体育 School of Nursing, 沙巴体育 College of Nursing, MAHE, 沙巴体育, gave the welcome address. Mrs. Sarojini Prabhu, Secretary, Department of Paediatric Surgery, Kasturba Hospital, MAHE, 沙巴体育, moderated the program. The program was followed by the Yoga demonstration by Mrs. Veena N, MSc -Yoga Therapy, 沙巴体育 Assistant, DST funded project, MCON, MAHE, 沙巴体育. Around 20 participants benefited from the Yoga demonstration. Mrs. Ranjani P, Assistant Professor Senior Scale, Dept. of OBG (N) MCON, MAHE 沙巴体育, rendered the vote of thanks