Dr Girish Pai K Wins First Prize in Oral Presentation
February 11, 2023
Dr. Girish Pai K, Associate Professor, Department of Pharmaceutics & Coordinator - Centre for cGMP, MCOPS, MAHE presented the research work entitled “RESEARCH ON POWDERED FILM COATED TABLETS AND THOROUGH INVESTIGATION TO ADDRESS REMEDIAL MEASURES” and received First Prize in Oral Presentation at “沙巴体育 Conference on Innovation and Advances in Pharmaceutical Sciences – Current scenario & Future perspectives (ICIAPS - 2023)”. The research work was awarded First Prize under the category, “Pharmacovigilance and Risk Management”. This conference organized by Adichunchanagiri College of Pharmacy, Adichunchanagiri University, and Association of Pharmaceutical 沙巴体育 (APR), B G Nagara, Karnataka was held on 10 and 11 February 2023.