Oral Hygiene Day celebrations
August 02, 2014

Date :1st and 2nd August 2014?
Venue:KMC Hospital Attavar, St. Agnes College, Bhagini Samaj
Details of the program
Oral hygiene day is celebrated all across India on August 1st. As part of the oral hygiene day, 沙巴体育 College of Dental Sciences took the opportunity to spread awareness and importance of oral health in the community by conducting a series of programs at various locations on August 1St & 2nd.
A free dental check-up and Poster competition for interns & postgraduates was organized in the medical teaching hospital near the registration counter at KMC Hospital Attavara. The theme for the poster? was “BRUSH & FLOSS OR PREPARE FOR A LOSS”, which was judged by Dr.Anand Venugopal, Medical Superintendent, KMC Hospitals, Mangalore and Dr.Unnikrishnan, Deputy Director, Student Affairs, KMC Mangalore. There was an active participation by the students and the? 3 best posters were?? awarded? prizes. Dr.Seebu Dhingra from Department Of Public Health Dentistry bagged 1st prize, Dr.Utkarsh and Dr.Akanksha from Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology bagged 2nd prize & Dr.Kamakshi Alekhya from Department of Periodontology bagged 3rd prize. All the posters were put on display for the patients visiting the hospital premises .? Dr Dilip Nayak ,Dean MCODS ,Mangalore ,Dr Kundabala ,Associate Dean , Dr Ashita Uppoor HOD ,Dept of Periodontology and Dr Ashwini Rao ,HOD ,Dept of Public Health Dentistry were present on the occasion.
? On August 2nd, as a part of the program free dental screening camp was conducted at St Agnes Degree college for women. The chief guest for this event was Dr. Sr Jeswina A.C , Associate professor, Dept of English, St Agnes College , Mangalore. She stressed on the importance of Oral Health integration with systematic health. Dr. Ashwini Rao Prof and head department of public?health dentistry welcomed the gathering and Dr. Ashita S Uppoor, Prof and head department of periodontology,? delivered a talk on oral health in women which was followed by an interactive session.? This was followed by a dental quiz by Dr.Neetha Shetty, Associate Professor, department of periodontology for the students. . The interns of MCODS Mangalore performed a street play on oral hygiene which was well appreciated by the students. Around 200 students and staff were examined and were referred to the Dental College for further treatment. ?
?A drawing competition was? also conducted? for the children of Bhagini Samaj, an organization for under priviledged children . Drawing materials for the competition was provided to the children of? the ashram. 3 best drawings were given prizes. The children were served refreshments? and oral hygiene kits were distributed to them .