Departments and Faculty Members
Department & Faculty list for the 沙巴体育 College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore at 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education
The Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics at MCODS Mangalore is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of sequelae of dental caries and the other defects of teeth.
Faculty Members
The Department of Dental Materials at MCODS Mangalore teaches the science of dental materials that involves learning about the physical, chemical, mechanical and biological properties of materials used in dentistry.
The Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at MCODS Mangalore is a referral centre and gets references from adjoining health care centres and neighbouring states for the management of complex oro-facial problems.
Faculty Members
The Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology at MCODS Mangalore is one of the few colleges in India to have 3D CBCT machines and the only college to have the most advanced software applications in CBCT.
Faculty Members
The Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology at MCODS Mangalore is proficient in histopathology and diagnosis of diseases of the oral cavity, especially oral cancers and has world-class facilities in its laboratories.
Faculty Members
The?Department of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopaedics at MCODS Mangalore trains postgraduates in comprehensive orthodontic treatment which includes growth modulation, fixed appliance treatment, surgical Orthodontics and?cleft lip and palate rehabilitation.
Faculty Members
The Department of Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry at MCODS Mangalore is recognised as a centre for training in Paediatric Dentistry by international dental associations.
Faculty Members
The Department of Periodontology at MCODS Mangalore teaches etiology, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the periodontium in adults.
Faculty Members
The Department of Prosthodontics and Crown & Bridge at MCODS Mangalore deals with the restoration of natural teeth, the replacement of missing teeth and contiguous maxillofacial tissues with artificial substitutes.
Faculty Members
The Department of Public Health Dentistry aims to develop proficiency in community diagnosis, assessment of oral health needs, developing and planning strategies to meet those needs and to manage and deliver oral health services at the doorstep of the rural and the underprivileged sections of the community.