Awards at IACDE-IES PG Convention
Dr. Kartik S Nath, first year Post Graduate in the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Guided By Dr Karthik Shetty, Dr Neeta Shetty, Dr Kundabala M, won the First Place in his respective session for Scientific Paper Titled: “COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF SECOND MESIOBUCCAL CANAL DETECTION IN MAXILLARY FIRST MOLARS USING MAGNIFICATION AND ILLUMINATION”, at 17th IACDE-IES PG CONVENTION, 1st April 2016, Bhopal.
April 11, 2016

? ? ???????Dr.Mary Byju ,first year Postgraduate in the Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics,guided by? Dr.Kundabala M and Dr.Neeta Shetty,secured first place in scientific paper presentation titled:”Efficacy of Probiotic Drink Containing Lactobacillus Casei Shirota Strain on Factors Affecting Dental Caries”,at 17thIACDE-IES PG CONVENTION,held on 1stApril 2016,People’s Dental College,Bhopal