TissueQuant –a color intensity quantification tool
TissueQuant software is a tool for color intensity quantification, useful to assess the amount of stained substance present in a sample. The reference color and the shades to be considered for quantification can be selected by the user. The quantification is provided in terms of positively stained area and the color score which indicates the average amount of the stained specimen in the selected area. The total amount can then be calculated as product of area and color score. Option for calibration to set the scale of measurements is also provided in this tool. Facility to resize the images is also provided so as to reduce the size of images for further processing. Also, to measure the areas of irregular objects in an image, once the user marks the object boundary using an image editing software such as MS Paint, this tool can be used to obtain the areas of irregular objects based on the contours of boundaries drawn around the objects. The software provides extensive help documentation and videos to help the user understand how to use the software.
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