Original Article
Tooth avulsion is a condition in which tooth is completely displaced out from its socket commonly due to trauma. Whenever a tooth is avulsed, dental pulp cells, periodontal ligament cells, cementum, gingiva and alveolar bone are all damaged but the ultimate challenge in the management of avulsion is to smaintain the vitality of periodontal cells which in turn dictates the treatment outcomes. Dental trauma claims to be one of the few situations where dentists are called upon to make unscheduled diagnostic and treatment decisions. Replantation of the teeth should be done immediately after avulsion in order to achieve the best treatment outcome. Due to various reasons, replantation of the avulsed teeth is not always possible immediately. Thus, an appropriate protocol of managing the avulsed teeth should be followed based on the presenting clinical situation. The extent of damage to tooth and supporting structures, emergency treatment and follow?up period plays a vital role in the prognosis of avulsed tooth. Thus, all factors need to be addressed effectively and efficiently for a better prognosis of the replanted teeth.
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