


The department has advanced laboratory to facilitate practical experience of the students.


Laboratories supplement classroom teaching with practicals


Libraries have excellent resources for reference and study


Teaching in hospitals give students hands-on learning

沙巴体育 & publications

The areas of research include: Evaluation of histogenesis of various organ systems using fetal tissues. Estimation of subcutaneous fat and fibre distribution and types in the abdominal region and its clinical implications. Effect of DHA and Colin on stress induced behavior and histological changes in the CNS. ? Preventive and protective role of cissus quadrangular is extract on diabetes induced osteopenia and bone loss in osteoporosis- a cellular and molecular evaluation. Cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in curative and prophylactic role of Ceasalpeniabonduc extracts on Liver toxicity. Use of lead as nano-particle in traditional medicine - multi-organ approach to evaluate the functional, cellular and molecular alterations. Role of traditional medicinal preparations in wound healing - structural, biomechanical, molecular evaluations use normal and diabetic wound models.
