Dr. Harikrishnan P K


Department of Mathematics

Qualification: B.Sc (Mathematics), B.Ed (Mathematics), M.Sc (Mathematics), Ph.D (Functional Analysis), Fellow (TARE-SERB)


    • Professor - Department of Mathematics, MIT
    • 沙巴体育 guide for doctoral research scholars.
    • Department Coordinator-NBA
    • Warden MIT Hostels

    沙巴体育 Interest

    • Functional Analysis, Operator Theory (C*- Algebra, Linear 2-normed spaces, 2-inner product Spaces, Probabilistic Normed Spaces)
    • Algebra, Nearrings, Hyperstructures

    Fellowships and Grants

    Received the Fellowship-cum-project grant?Teacher's Associateship for 沙巴体育 Excellence (TARE)?from?SERB, Govt. of India?(AR/2022/000219) ;?Collaborating with the mentor Dr P. Sam Johnson, Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences, National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK), Surathkal (Host Institute).

    Title: A Study of frames of operators in Hilbert Spaces.

    Grant Amount: Rs 18,30,000/-

    Duration: 2023-2026 (3 years)


    Received the BEST TEACHER AWARD - 2014 from 沙巴体育 Institute of Technology, MAHE, 沙巴体育.

    Collaborative Visits?

    Visited Universidad de Almeria, Spain, for one-month collaborative work with Prof. Bernardo Lafuerza Guillen from 01 June 2012 to 30 June 2012, sponsored by NBHM, DAE, Govt. of India and Universidad de Almeria Spain.

    Books Published

    Probabilistic Normed Spaces (Imperial College Press, World Scientific 2014)

    Nearrings Nearfields and Related Topics (World Scientific 2017)


    Professional Memberships

    • Life member of Indian Mathematical Society
    • Life member of IET
    • Life member of? Indian science Congress
    • Life member of? Ramanuajn Mathematical Society
    • Life member of 沙巴体育 Association of Engineers
    • Life member of? Allahabad Mathematical Society
    • Individual affiliate membership of American Mathematical Society (Since 2016)

