Workshop to enable students to discover themselves
Department of Commerce, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education organised a workshop on “A Skill Inventory Assessment Workshop for Employment Readiness” on October 11, 2013 in association with Confederations of Indian Industry – Institute of Logistics, Chennai.
October 22, 2013

The Workshop was inaugurated by the resource person Mr H Sai Shridhar, Counselor, Confederations of Indian Industry – Institute of Logistics, Chennai. The workshop focused on enabling the students to participate and discover their inherent work values, interests, personality traits and skills through a focused well-designed scientific principle. The one- day workshop covered career planning and identification of work values by exploring personal interests within each participant.
It also focused on discovering different personality types and recognizing skills, developing an inventory of own work values, interests, selecting the target industry sector for career launch, mapping the skills with the work requirements in industry sector, discovering the gaps and finally identifying the learning needs of each individual.
Mr Sandeep Shenoy, I/C Head, Department of Commerce addressed the gathering and spoke on the need to think out of the box and be innovative in thinking and build on the knowledge assets created by the academic world and industry. Mr Abhishek Rao, Workshop coordinator and faculty, Department of Commerce shared his knowledge regarding the importance of workshop. Mr Guru Prasad Rao, faculty of Department of Commerce welcomed the gathering.