沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education, 沙巴体育 celebrated the 70th Republic Day at KMC Greens on Saturday. The celebrations this year was hosted by 沙巴体育 College of Dental Sciences. Dean of the college, Dr Keertilata Pai welcomed the gathering. Vice Chancellor, Dr H. Vinod Bhat was the chief guest.
Dr Bhat in his Republic Day address said, “Today marks the day when India announced its arrival to the world. The edifice of a modern nation is built on the foundation of freedom. Freedom of power, freedom of speech and freedom of expression. It is this cornerstone of democracy that gets molested time and again and it is this basic right that we need to preserve and protect”.
He added: “The next ten years belong to the millennials. It is the responsibility of my generation to shape these youngsters and enrich their repertoire with the skills necessary to succeed in their lives and help make India a great nation”.
In the march past by the units of MAHE,?沙巴体育 College of Health Professions stood first, School of Nursing second and Welcomgroup Graduate School of Hotel Administration third.