Padmavathi Shenoy
ChairPerson – Centre for Sustainable Development and Social Empowerment
Padmavathi Shenoy has nearly 14 years of diverse and balanced experience in industry and academia. Dr. Shenoy has offered workshops on design thinking, interpersonal effectiveness and leadership for United Nations office of 沙巴体育-沙巴体育 Cooperation, ISRO, Bengaluru, Department of Skills Development, Goa and Goa Livelihood Forum, Metlife Insurance, Arun Jaitley Institute of Financial Management. She has worked on funded projects for AICTE, New Delhi to strengthen academia-industry relations and NABARD, Goa to promote sustainable menstrual health and women entrepreneurship.
Qualification: BE, PGDHRM (Symbiosis), PhD (IIM Tiruchirappalli)
ChairPerson – Centre for Sustainable Development and Social Empowerment
Date of Joining:10th July 2024
Subject | Semester / Year |
Human Resource Management, Organizational Behaviour and Leadership, Design Thinking |
Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Hybrid organizations, Employee Engagement.
Area of Interest
Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management
Area of 沙巴体育
Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Hybrid organizations, Employee Engagement
Publications :
1. Sukhatankar, V, & Shenoy, P (2022). Entrepreneurial Empowerment Support for ‘My Pad My Rights’ initiative in Goa. Report of NABARD-funded project. ISBN: 978-93-5680-729-7
2.?Vashishth, A., Prasad, M.,?Shenoy, P.,& Mohnot, J. (2021). Taking stock and moving forward: A case for organizational theories in service quality research.Journal of Services Marketing.?(ABDC Classification:?B?Category)
3.Shenoy, P?& Chattopadhyay, S. (2020).?Dared to Care: Mechanisms of Logic Hybridization in Community Ophthalmology Field.80th Annual Meeting ofAcademy of ManagementatVancouver, Canadahttps://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2020.20406abstract
4.Shenoy, P?& Chattopadhyay, S. (2018, Aug)?Regaining the balance in proself and prosocial motivations in context of social enterprises.78thAnnual Meeting ofAcademy of Management atChicago, Illinois, USA?https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2018.18397abstract
Conferences and Workshops
Shenoy, P.,?Nayak, A & Chattopadhyay, S(Forthcoming, Oct 2024).?A process model of corporate purpose: Collective reflexivity, collective experimentation and institutional change.?44thStrategic Management Society Conference, at Instanbul, Turkey
Shenoy, P.,?Nayak, A & Chattopadhyay, S(July 2024).?Emergence of Equitable care Logic in the Community Ophthalmology field.?40th?European Group for Organizational Studies at Milan, Italy
Benegal, S. and?Shenoy, P.,?(2022, Jan)Scaling Social Impact through Portfolio: An exploratory study of a Portfolio Social Entrepreneur.7th?Biennial Indian Academy of ManagementConference, Indian Institute of Management Rohtak, India
Shenoy, P. &Chattopadhyay, S. (2020, July).?Changing the Rules of theGame While Playing: Process ofLogic Hybridization inCommunity OphthalmologyField.?32nd?Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (Virtual) Conference, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Shenoy, P.,?Chattopadhyay, S(2019, July).?From charitable care to sustainable care: Navigating the paradox of appropriate technology.?35th?European Group for Organizational Studies at Edinburgh, UK
Shenoy, P?& Chattopadhyay, S. (2018, Aug)?Regaining the balance in proself and prosocial motivations in context of social enterprises.78thAnnual Meeting ofAcademy of Management atChicago, Illinois, USA?https://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2018.18397abstract
Shenoy, P.?& Prasad, M. (2017).?(Mis)Use of the Internet: Motives and Regulative Measures of Cyberloafing.?11th?Indian Subcontinent Decision Sciences Institute (ISDSI)?沙巴体育 Conference?at Indian Institute of Management Tiruchirappalli. India
Shenoy, P.&Chattopadhyay, S. (2016, Dec).?Mission or Margin?: Balancing Proself and Prosocial motivation in social enterprises.?presented at 4th?PAN IIM conference held at IIM Ahmedabad, India
Shenoy, P. &Chattopadhyay, S. (2015, Dec).?Drivers of University Industry Collaboration in Regional Innovation Context – Process Perspective.?4th?Biennial Indian Academy of ManagementConference, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow-Noida Campus, India
Shenoy, P?& Chattopadhyay, S. (2020).?Dared to Care: Mechanisms of
Logic Hybridization in Community Ophthalmology Field.80th Annual Meeting ofAcademy of ManagementatVancouver, Canadahttps://doi.org/10.5465/AMBPP.2020.20406abstractVashishth, A., Prasad, M.,?Shenoy,P.?& Mohnot J.,(2019)?Organizational Theories in Service Quality: Taking Stock and Moving Forward.?Paper accepted for presentation at the 30th?POMS Annual Conference atWashington D.C, USA
Shenoy, P?& Chattopadhyay, S.(2018, June)?Playing Together to Stay Together: Role of Employee Identification Practices in Social Enterprises.18thEuropean Academy of Management Conference at University of Iceland Reykjavik, Iceland
Papers accepted for 沙巴体育 presentations
Co-Principal Investigator for a funded research and consulting project titled “Entrepreneurial Empowerment Support for My Pad My Rights Initiative in Goa” (biodegradable sanitary pad manufacturing by SHGs of Goa) for NABARD (2021-22)
Received full scholarship to attend 32nd?Society for the Advancement of Socio-EconomicsConference at University of Amsterdam, Netherlands held in July 2020 (15-20 doctoral students selected worldwide by the SASE society)
Second Runner-up ofThat’s Interesting Proposalawardat Doctoral Workshop, 沙巴体育 Strategic Management Society special conference at Indian School of Business, Hyderabad, India (2018)
Principal Investigator (2011-2014) of “Establishment and Sustainable Management of Industry-Institute Partnership Cell” with a grant of $11,600from All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi, India
Best Paper award for “Strategic Industry Institute Interaction in Technical Education: Challenges and Possible Outcomes” (2011) at National Conference sponsored by University Grants Commission, India
- Mr Hiranmay Mahanta introducing sustainable model of industry-academia-community engagement
At 2nd 沙巴体育 Conference on Creativity and Innovation at Grassroots, Ahmedabad Mr. Hiranmay Mahanta, MD, Techpedia.in explains how engineering colleges can make meaningful contributions to society through community engagements and industrial relations. He illustrates the financially sustainable social impact model created at Canara Engineering Industry-Institute Partnership Cell, Karnataka, India managed by Ms. Padmavathi Shenoy