Akshaya P

Assistant Professor - Senior Scale

Ms. Akshaya P works as an Assistant Professor of Psychology - Senior Scale with the Department of Liberal Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences at 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education in Bengaluru. Her academic interests encompass cognitive neuroscience, psycholinguistics, and psychometry. Ms. Akshaya earned her MSc in Psychology, with a specialisation in Clinical Psychology, from Mount Carmel College, Autonomous, Bengaluru, where she was recognised as a University Gold Medallist in her field. She successfully qualified for the UGC-NET Test for Assistant Professorship and received the Junior 沙巴体育 Fellowship in 2017. Before joining MAHE-Bengaluru, she worked as an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Mount Carmel College Autonomous, Bengaluru, where she gained over seven years of experience in academia and research, mainly facilitating courses like Biopsychology, Psychopathology, Clinical & Cognitive Psychology, and Behavioural Statistics. Her scholarly contributions include eight research article publications in varied domains in psychology, three funded projects on the themes investigating oestrogen-modulated neuropsychological changes in women and neuropsychological differences among bilingual and multilingual individuals speaking both Indian and foreign languages. Her past research has also focused on understanding the neurocognitive profiles and strengths of millennial gamers. Ms. Akshaya has supervised more than 30 MSc dissertations and numerous independent student research projects. She also has over five years of consulting experience in academic writing and behavioural statistics for doctoral candidates and professionals in psychology, social sciences, and medicine. Additionally, she is an active member of the Board of Studies and the Board of Examiners for institutions in Bengaluru and has made significant contributions to academic and pedagogical initiatives and development. Furthermore, she is involved with the Bengaluru Stroke Support Group (BPSS) and has a strong passion for the history of sciences and learning new languages and their linguistic nuances.

Department of Liberal Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (DLHS) Bengaluru

Qualification: MSc Psychology, UGC-NET


    Assistant Professor - Senior Scale


Subject Semester / Year
Social Psychology, 4 Credits
Psychological Assessment I 4 Credits


Degree Specialisation Institute Year of passing
MSc Psychology Clinical Psychology Mount Carmel College Autonomous, Bengaluru 2017
UGC-NET Psychology University Grants Commission 2017


Institution / Organisation Designation Role Tenure
Mount Carmel College Autonomous, Bengaluru Assistant Professor Academics, 沙巴体育 Supervision, Mentorships, Co-ordinatorships 7 years and 7 months

Comparative Study on the Cognitive Functions among Bilinguals, Multilinguals of Indian & Foreign Languages

2015-2016 Neuropsychology, Cognitive Psychology Akshaya Periasamy & Anusha Shridhara

Management Funded Minor 沙巴体育 Project

Estrogen-Modulated Neuropsychological changes among Women (Neuropsychological Profiles across menstrual cycle)

2018-2020 Neuropsychology, Biopsychology Akshaya Periasamy & Trina Banerjee

Management Funded Minor 沙巴体育 Project

Death Anxiety, Just-World Beliefs, Locus of control and Psychosocial Adjustment among COVID-19 Survivors

2020-2021 Health Psychology, Social Psychology Akshaya Periasamy

Management Funded Minor 沙巴体育 Project

Romanticization of Mental Illnesses among Today's Youth - Role of Social Media an exploratory study

2023-2025 Social Psychology Dr Vibhashri Gurjal & Akshaya Periasamy

Management Funded Minor 沙巴体育 Project


Area of Interest

1) Cognitive Neuroscience 2) Neuropsychology 3) Psychopathology 4) Psycholinguistics

Area of Expertise

1) Biopsychology 2) Psychopathology 3) Cognitive Psychology 4) Psychometry & Statistics

Area of 沙巴体育

1) Neuropsychology 2) Cognitive Psychology 3) Social Psychology 4) Psycholinguistics

Professional Affiliations & Contributions

1) Member of the Bangalore Stroke Support Society

2) Board of Studies Member for St. Claret's College Autonomous, Bengaluru

3) Board of Examiners Member for Mount Carmel College Autonomous, Bengaluru

Comparative Investigation of the False Memory Paradigm in COVID-19 Recovered Patients and Unaffected Individuals: Using the DRM test

11/5/2022 Cognitive Psychology Nitya Ann Eapen, Akshaya Periasamy, Sai Chandana Mukkamala, Nathan Zachary Fernandez

Comparing Efficiency of Executive Functions between Players and Non-players of Organized Sport

19/02/2019 Neuropsychology & Sports Psychology Niharika Medapati & Akshaya Periasamy


14/1/2018 Cognitive Psychology Anusha Shrishar, Akshaya Periasamy, Radhika Menon & Chaitrali Johari

Gender differences in altruism, hope, and emotional contagion

10/10/2020 Social Psychology Aratrika Ghosh, Zakiyyah Taj, Akshaya Periasamy

Off-Season Break, Quality of Life & Sport Satisfaction among Elite Indian Athletes

19/02/2019 Sports Psychology Sonali Pereira, Swathi Vinod & Akshaya Periasamy

Comparing Positive Psychological Attributes among Sportswomen of Group & Individual Sports and Non-sportswomen

19/02/2019 Positive Psychology & Sports Psychology Trayoshee Ghosh & Akshaya Periasamy

A Comparative Study on Motivation between Differently-abled and Abled Athletes

19/02/2019 Sports Psychology Ritu Girish & Akshaya Periasamy

Gender Differences in Job Satisfaction, Altruism, and Belief in a Just World among Public Sector Employees

15/11/2022 Social Psychology & Industrial Psychology Moubita Deka & Akshaya Periasamy

Female Hormones – Comprehensive Biomarkers for Psychiatry and Neuroscience – A Narrative Review

20/01/2018 Biopsychology Akshaya Periasamy