Ketaki Chowkhani

Assistant Professor

沙巴体育 Centre for Humanities


    Ketaki Chowkhani is an Assistant Professor at 沙巴体育 Centre for Humanities. She is also a Ph.D. Guide at MCH.



Subject Semester / Year
Gender and Society
Media, Society and Representation
Singles Studies
Identity and Society
Social Anthropology
Culture and Modernity
Urban Sociology


Degree Specialisation Institute Year of passing
PhD Women's Studies Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai 2017
MPhil Cultural Studies English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad 2011
MA English and Comparative Literature Pondicherry University, Pondicherry 2009


Institution / Organisation Designation Role Tenure
Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai 沙巴体育 Assistant Urban Aspirations in Global Cities, an international collaborative project of Max Planck Institute (MPI), G?ttingen, Germany, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, and Partners for Urban Knowledge Action and 沙巴体育 (PUKAR), Mumbai. October 2013- January 2014
School of Education, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai 沙巴体育 Assistant Compiling of Field Attachments Reader- Second Phase of MAEE Grant by SRTT Oct 2012 - Sept 2013
School of Media and Cultural Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. Copy Editor SubVersions: A Journal of Emerging 沙巴体育 in Media and Cultural Studies (ISSN-2347-426). Volume 1, Issue 1; Volume 1, Issue 2; Volume 3 Issue 1; Volume 3, Issue 2. December 2013- 2018


Area of Interest

Gender and Sexuality, Masculinity Studies, Education, Singles Studies.

Professional Affiliations & Contributions


Media Interviews/Public Engagement

DelFattore, Joan. “Singles say they’re better prepared to self-quarantine, but many fear getting shortchanged in medical treatment” The Washington Post. April 11, 2020. Accessed at:?

Mohan, Shriya. “Table for one, please” The Hindu Business Line. March 13, 2020. Accessed at:?

Book review: Shannon Philip, Becoming Young Men in a New India: Masculinities, Gender Relations and Violence in the Post Colony

July 2024 Ketaki Chowkhani

Indian Journal of Gender Studies, 0(0).

Singular Selves: Introduction to Singles Studies.

2024 Ketaki Chowkhani Craig Wynne

Published by Routledge.

The Limits of Sexuality Education: Love, Sex, and Adolescent Masculinities in Urban India.

2024 Ketaki Chowkhani

Published by Routledge.

Friendship Unlimited: Singlehood and it’s Ones

2023 Ketaki Chowkhani

in Shilpa Phadke and Nithila Kanagasabai Ed. Yaari: An Anthology of Friendship by Women and Queer Folx. New Delhi, Yoda Press.

Students as Futurists: Imagination in the Classroom

01-08-2023 Ketaki Chowkhani Kushal Sohal

Teacher Plus.

Should there be a right to NOT Marry?

2023 Diksha Sanyal Ketaki Chowkhani

The Swaddle.

’Hey! She’s a Bro!’ Tomboys, Body Image, and Desire in India.

2024 Ketaki Chowkhani

In Srirupa Chatterjee and Shwetha Garg Ed. Female Body Image in Contemporary Indian Literature and Culture. Temple University Press.

“Successfully Ageing Alone: Long-Term Singlehood and Care During Covid-19 in India.”

2022 Ketaki Chowkhani

In Longtao He and Jagriti Gangopadhyay Ed. Eldercare Issues in China and India. Routledge.

Singlehood Unlimited: Solo Living in 沙巴体育 India

2022 Ketaki Chowkhani

Unattached. Ed. Angelica Malin. Square Peg.

'Nothing Much Happened’: Rethinking Heterosexual Middle Class Adolescent Boys’ Romance in Mumbai

2021 Ketaki Chowkhani

In Sexuality, Abjection and Queer Existence in Contemporary India.” Edited by Pushpesh Kumar, Routledge, 92-119.

Why Women Travel Solo

May 31, 2021 Ketaki Chowkhani

The Hindu Business Line Accessed at

‘Are all the Speakers Single?’ Organising the First ever Singles Studies Conference during Covid-19.

15 December, 2020 . Ketaki Chowkhani

Conference Inference: Blogging the World of Conferences. Available at:


May 13, 2020. Ketaki Chowkhani

The New York Times. Accessed at:

Integrating Concerns of Gender, Sexuality and Marital Status in the Medical Curriculum

2020 Nikhil Govind Ketaki Chowkhani

Indian Journal of Medical Ethics. 5(2): 92- 4. DOI:10.20529/IJME.2020.039.

Learning about Sex in Mumbai: Rethinking the ‘Knowledge Gap’ Debate in Sexuality Education

2019 Ketaki Chowkhani

In: Hi(stories) of Desire: Sexualities and Culture in Modern India. Edited by Rajeev Kumaramkandath and Sanjay Srivastava. Cambridge University Press.

Kolam and the Making of Tamil Femininity

2018 Ketaki Chowkhani

Sahapedia. July 2018. Accessed at:

Sexuality in School: The Limits of Education

2016 Ketaki Chowkhani

Gender and Education 28 (5): 700-703.

Pleasure, Bodies and Risk: Women's Viewership of Pornography in Urban India

2016 Ketaki Chowkhani

Porn Studies 3 (4): 443-452.

Broader Vision of Sexuality: Book Review of It’s Normal by Dr Mahindra Watsa

2015 Ketaki Chowkhani

Daily News Analysis. Mumbai. Accessed at:

Child Sexual Abuse in School Spaces: Understanding Structural Issues

2015 Ketaki Chowkhani

Teacher Plus. March 02, 2015. Accessed at:

Sexuality Education: Why We Need It

2013 Ketaki Chowkhani

Teacher Plus. February 2013, Hyderabad.