Dr. Deepika Chenna
Associate Professor
KMC Registration Number - ANP20100000889 KTK
Department of Immunohaematology
Qualification: MBBS, MD (IHBT)
- Involved in Postgraduate teaching, lesson plan, guides post-graduate research, resource person for workshops.
- Involved in organization of various CMEs and workshops
Subject | Semester / Year |
Immunohematology & Blood Transfusion | All |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
MD | Immunohematology & Blood Transfusion | Kastuba Medical College, 沙巴体育 | July 2016 |
MBBS | Rangaraya Medical College, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh | May 2010 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
KMC 沙巴体育 | Assistant Professor | October 2017 - Till date | |
KMC 沙巴体育 | Senior Resident | September 2016 - September 2017 |
Derivation and validation of a scoring tool to predict the outcome of phlebotomy for blood donation
Dr. Chenna Deepika Dr. Shamee Shastry Dr. Dhivya Kandasamy Dr. Ganesh Mohan Dr. Vinu Rajendran Dr. Bemma Paonam
Predicting successful phlebotomy to avoid unnecessary failed collections will help in avoiding wastage of resources as well as gains donor’s faith in the phlebotomist. Failed Phlebotomy may have a negative effect on the blood donor’s confidence and might refrain them from future donations. At the same time, though there is a policy to defer donors with poor vein in most of the blood centres there are no defined criteria to estimate the same. This project intends to develop a predictive scoring while assessing the donor’s vein for successful phlebotomy
A cross-sectional study on determination of ABO isoagglutination titres and factors influencing them among blood donor population of 沙巴体育ern Karnataka, India
Dr. Chenna Deepika Dr. Deepika Chenna Dr. Dhivya Kandasamy Dr. Divya Kandasamy
To evaluate the ABO antibody titres in blood donors and to determine the factors influencing the same.
1. Determination of IgM and IgG ABO Antibody titres among healthy blood donors of O blood group.
2. To identify the haemolysin property of immune ABO antibodies using the haemolysin test.
3. To determine the factors influencing the ABO Antibody levels in healthy blood donors.
Area of Interest
Immunohematology, Clinical
Area of Expertise
[Donor screening, selection and counselling], [mmuno-hematology, including workup of patients with autoimmune hemolytic anemia, hemolytic disease of newborn, blood grouping discrepancies and compatibility testing], [Quality control of blood components], [Apheresis: plateletpheresis for donors, therapeutic plasma exchange, therapeutic leukapheresis], [Trained in blood administration in special settings like massive transfusion, exchange transfusion], [Identification, investigation and management of adverse transfusion reactions in patients], [Well exposed in in operating manual and automated ELISA workstation, automated blood grouping and crossmatching machine], [Creating awareness about blood donation and Donor Motivation]
Area of 沙巴体育
Blood donation process, screening for emerging transfusion transmissible infections, Systematic review on prevalence of red cell alloimmunization in India, audit of transfusion practices, cryopreservation of cellular blood components. Rare donor registry
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
- Member of Indian Society of Transfusion Medicine
- Member of Special Interest Group- Immunohematology(SIG-IH) of Indian Society of Transfusion Medicine