Keshava Pai K teaches MBBS, DNB, MD, MSW, MSc students. He underwent special raters training on PANSS assessment which was held at New Delhi On 28th Sept 2008 by UBC. The training specialised in Schezophrenia. As a Head of Department, he oversees the funtioning of the entire department and is involved in planning the teaching schedules.
Subject | Semester / Year |
Psychiatry | Fifth, Eighth semesters |
Degree | Specialisation | Institute | Year of passing |
MD, Doctorate of Medicine | Psychiatry | Kasturba Medical College, 沙巴体育, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education | 2001 |
MBBS (Bachelor of medicine and Bachelor of Surgery) | Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education | 1996 |
Institution / Organisation | Designation | Role | Tenure |
Department of Psychiatry, KMC Mangalore, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education | Professor & Head | 02/06/14 to till date | |
Department of Psychiatry, KMC Mangalore, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education | Associate Professor | 20/09/2006 - 01/06/2014 | |
Department of Psychiatry, KMC Mangalore, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education | Assistant Professor | 2001-2001 | |
Department of Psychiatry, KMC Mangalore, 沙巴体育 Academy of Higher Education | Junior Resident | 1998-1998 |
A study comparing duloxetine and escitalopram in major depressive disorder
National conference of Indian Psychiatric Society, Kolkata, 3- 6 January, 2008.
Memantine and donepezil in treatment of Alzheimer’s dementia
沙巴体育 psychiatric conference, 26-29 September, 2008, Thailand.
Adolescent mental health and problem of drug addiction
Canara college Mangalore
Role of care givers in mental illness
Lakshmi Memorial College of Nursing
A randomized study to compare the efficacy, tolerability and safety between memantine and donepezil in moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease
61st annual national conference of Indian Psychiatric Society (ANCIPS 2009), Agra, 8-11 January, 2009.
Chaired a scientific session on case presentation in the MPS meeting
IMA hall Mangalore
“Behavioural problems of children in classroom and practical tips on management
Chaired a scientific session in a panel discussion at a workshop for teachers by Department of Psychiatry in collaboration with KMC Hospital Attavar, Mangalore
Depression and anxiety in patients undergoing investigations for the Head and Neck cancers
ICMR short term project
Mood disorder among Peri- menopausal women
ICMR short term project carried out at KMC Hospital, Attavar.
Nicotine dependence and other substance abuse among males
ICMR short term project in a Professional college in Mangalore.
Relationship between adolescent psychopathology with aberrations in psychosocial and psychosexual development in Mangalore city-沙巴体育 India
ICMR short term project
Evaluation tolerability safety of Memantine and Donepezil in moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease as monotherapy and in combination
ICMR short term project
Evaluation of the tolerability and side effects for Duloxetine as compared to Escitalopram in Major depression
ICMR short term project
Patterns and Prevalence of Substance Abuse and Psycho-social correlates amongst teenagers in Mangalore- 沙巴体育 India
A cross sectional study
Correlation of cortisol levels in gingival crevicular fluid to severity of periodontal disease in patients with anxiety and depression
Stroke and Depression” a cross sectional study in a tertiary hospital set up, Mangalore.
Area of Interest
Schizophrenia, Depression
Area of Expertise
Marital Therapy, De- Addiction
Area of 沙巴体育
Schizophrenia, Depression, Mania
Professional Affiliations & Contributions
- Life Member of Indian psychiatric society, 2001
- Life Member of IMA, 2001
- Life Member of Fellow of Academy Of General Education 沙巴体育, 1996
- Member of Institutional Sexual Harassment Committee, 2013
- Active participation in community based programme like conducting free camps and counseling services, Deaddiction awareness programme and treatment, School visits and bringing awareness among teachers about common psychological problems in adolescents and learning disorders.
- Conduct CME for general practitioners and other specialists and also taking active part in IMA, MPS etc
- A randomized controlled pilot study titled “Comparison of the effectiveness of music and progressive muscle relaxation for anxiety in COPD” got published in Respiratory Journal vol 6(4) 209-216; 2009.
- Pattern of psychotropic drug usage in psychiatric illnesses among elderly-Journal of medicine use in developing countries 2010;2(1);3-10
- A study to evaluate awareness of psychosomatic factors as a possible risk factor for periodontal diseases in general dental practitioners of Mangalore city –Journal of Oral Health and Community Dentistry 2011 January issue
- A case report on “Glaucoma- adverse event on use of topiramate in alcohol Deaddiction” - Indian Journal of Psychiatry-(IJP) Vol 53:No2, 163-165 Apr-June2011
- Took part in a Scientific session on “Levosulpiride in? psychosis and somatoform disorders” organized by Mangalore Psychiatric Society held at Mangalore on 13th Jan 2008
- Participated in a CME on “Pediatric oncology and bone marrow transplant” organized by Indian Medical Association, SK branch Mangalore held on 18th Feb 2008.
- Attended a CME on “Psychiatry update 2008” at 沙巴体育 from 12th to 13th Apr 2008 conducted by the Dept of Psychiatry KMC 沙巴体育.
- Attended “Professional development workshop” at 沙巴体育University, 沙巴体育, from Apr 24th& 25th 2008.
- Participated in a workshop on Introduction to palliative medicine at 沙巴体育 from Apr 26th& 27th 2008 organized by The EPEC-India Project in collaboration with Palliative society 沙巴体育University.
- Attended a CME on “ICD11 and DSM V” held at 沙巴体育 on 30th and 31st Aug2008 organized by Indian Psychiatric Society 沙巴体育 Zone.
- Underwent special raters training on PANSS assessment held at New Delhi On 28th Sept 2008.
- Attended a CME on “Paliperidone in Schizophrenia Treatment” conducted by Mangalore psychiatric society on 25th Oct at MotiMahal, Mangalore.
- Participated in the 61st Annual National conference of Indian Psychiatric Society (ANCIPS 2009) at Agra, from 8th to 11th January, 2009.
- Attended a CME on changes trends of psychotherapeutic interventions by a? guest faculty from Malaysia at Pentagon, Mangalore? on 18th Jan 2009
- Took part as a guest faculty and conducted Stress Interview for the finalists of Can Fest 09, state level inter collegiate commerce and management Fest? held on 21st Jan 09 at Canara college Mangalore.
- Participated in a one day CME on “ECT/TMS in psychiatry” organized by National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences Bangalore on 3rd May 2009
- Attended a CME on “Dementia and its management” organized by API, Mangalore and Eisai pharmaceuticals India, at Gold Finch Hotel Mangalore on 30th May 2009.
- Attended a scientific session on “Medical and Psychiatric co morbidity in Depression” arranged by Pfizer pharmaceuticals company at Mangalore on 26th June 2009.
- Attended a guest lecture on “Managing a person beyond a medical model of health” by Dr Jerry Varghese from Newzeland held at Father Muller’s Medical college Hospital on 17th Aug 2009.
- Attended a scientific session on “Role of newer antidepressants” held at Hotel gold finch Mangalore on aug 2009
- Participated in an 沙巴体育 Conference on “Rural psychiatry road least travelled’ organized by Nitte rural psychiatric services at Nitte from 18th -20th sept 2009.
- Attended an advanced GCP Workshop at TajManjarun, Mangalore conducted by Quintiles on 25th sept 2009.
- Attended a scientific? session on “Clozapine and its current use in psychiatry” arranged by Sun pharmaceuticals ltd held at Mangalore on 7th Nov 2009.
- Participated in the 62nd Annual National Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society held at Jaipur from 17th -20th January 2010.
- Attended a CME Common” Hurdles in psychiatry case management” on 6th Feb. 2010 at Gold Finch Hotel Mangalore organized by MPS Mangalore.
- Attended a CME on “Mild cognitive impairment” held at Fr. Muller’s Medical College Mangalore on 6th March, 2010.
- ?Took part in a CME on “Schizophrenia and Negative symptoms” on 6th May. 2010 at Ocean Pearl Hotel Mangalore organized by MPS Mangalore.
- Attended a scientific session on “Latest treatment options in the management of anxiety and depressive disorders” organized by Zydus Neurosciences held at Mangalore on 26th May 2010.
- Took part in a CME ????????????? on “Endocrinology and Psychiatric disorders” on 10th June 2010 conducted by Mangalore Psychiatric Society held at hotel MotiMahal Mangalore.
- Attended a scientific session on “Pre menstrual syndrome and psychiatric illness” on 1st July 2010 conducted by Mangalore Psychiatric Society held at Ocean Pearl hotel Mangalore.
- Took part in a CME ????????????? on “Soft bipolar disorders-diagnosis and management”on 7th Aug 2010 at Hotel Deepa Comforts Mangalore organized by MPS Mangalore.
- Participated in the UGC sponsored 沙巴体育 Conference on “Women and mental health” held from 28th to 30th October, 2010 at school of social work, RoshniNilaya Mangalore Karnataka, India.
- Attended a cme on “psychiatry oncology interface interface” on 11th Nov 2010 at Hotel? Deepa Comforts? mangalore.
- Attended a post graduate academic programme psychiatry update 2010 from 13th Nov 2010 to 14th Nov 2010 conducted by the dept. of psychiatry kmc 沙巴体育.
- Attended a CME on “Recent advances in management of depression” conducted by Mangalore Psychiatric Society at Mangalore on 7th Jan2011.
- Attended a Guest Lecture on “Psychiatric services in Australia “by Dr Naveen Chandra Shetty conducted by Mangalore Psychiatric Society at Mangalore on 14th Jan2011.
- Attended a CME on “More rational paradigms to optimize long term outcomes in schizophrenia” by Dr Kalyansundaram from Richmond Fellowship, Bangalore, on 4th Feb2011.
- Took part in a workshop on “Clinical trials in India” by Dr Vikas Mohan Sharma from Quintiles held at Mangalore on 12th March2011.
- Took part in a special Talk on “Depression in elderly” by Dr Supriya Hegde held at Mangalore on 15th Apr 2011.
- Attended a Guest Lecture on “Role of Armodafinil in Sleep Wake disorders” by Dr??
Chittaranjan Andrade from NIMHANS, conducted by Mangalore Psychiatric Society at
Mangalore on9th Jun2011
37.??? Attended a Case presentation by Dr Pavithra Rao of FMMCH and Launch of Ramelteon?
by Dr Srinivas Bhat of KSHEMA conducted by Mangalore Psychiatric Society at
Mangalore on 7th Jul 2011.
38.??? Attended a CME on “Iloperidone-A novel antipsychotic” organized by Mangalore Psychiatric Society on 23th Jul 2011.
39.??? Attended a scientific session on “ Ideal antipsychotic -Aseneptine” by Dr Mahesh from Bangalore - organized by Mangalore Psychiatric Society on 4th Aug 2011
40.??? Participated in the 64th Annual Conference of Indian Psychiatric Society (ANCIPS 2012) at Kochi from 19th Jan to 22nd Jan 2012.
41.??? Attended a scientific session on “Medical co- morbidities in patients with Depression” by Dr.Ravish Thunga at Hotel Ocean Pearl organized by MPS Mangalore on 15h Mar 2012.
42.??? Attended a scientific session on “ECT revisited” by Prof Mohanchandran organized by MPS held at hotel Ocean Pearl Mangalore, on 12th Apr 2012.
43.??? Attended a CME on “Neuroimaging techniques in Psychiatry” held at Madikeri organized by IPS Karnataka Branch on 28th Apr 2012.
44.??? Attended a CME on “Creativity and mind” at hotel Deepa comforts organized by MPS Mangalore on 10th may 2012.
45.??? Attended a CME on “Iloperidone, road ahead” at hotel Ocean pearl held on 7th Jun 2012
46.??? Attended the scientific session on “Basic medical writing course” held at KMC Mangalore on 23rd Jun 2012 organized by Max Institute of Minimal Access, New Delhi.
47.??? Attended CME on “Legal Psychiatry” organized by Pfizer pharmaceuticals on 23rd Jun 2012.
48.??? Attended a CME on positive mental health held at hotel ocean pearl Mangalore on 16th July 2012 conducted by Mangalore psychiatric society.
49.??? Attended a guest lecture by Dr.Suresh Badamut on “OCD and its management” hotel ocean pearl Mangalore on 2nd Aug 2012 conducted by Mangalore psychiatric society
50.??? Attended a guest lecture by Prof.B N Gangadhar on “Neuroplasticity of depression” at hotel ocean pearl Mangalore on 26th Aug 2012 conducted by Mangalore psychiatric society
51.??? Attended scientific session on “Polypharmacy and its role in psychiatry” at hotel ocean pearl conducted by Mangalore psychiatric society on 9th Sep 2012
52.??? Attended a CME on? Geriatric psychiatry held at KMC Mangalore on 9th sep 2012
53.??? Attended a workshop on “medical negligence and preventive steps” organized by KMC Hospital Attavar Mangalore on 21st Sep 2012
54.??? Attended a CME on “Therapeutic challenges psychiatry” organized by MPS, on 29th and 30th Sep 2012 at summer sands beach resort Mangalore.
55.??? Attended the IPSOCON 2012 – scientific CME sessions held from 12th to 14th oct 20012 at Madurai.
56.??? Participated in CME on “Neuropsychopharmacology- trends in clinical practice” conducted on 31st Oct 2012 KMC Mangalore.
57.??? Attended the Post graduate academic programme Psychiatry update from 10th Nov to 11th Nov 2012 conducted by dept of Psychiatry KMC 沙巴体育.
58.??? Attended a CME on “bipolar depression and its management” held at hotel Gold Finch Mangalore on 5th Dec 2012 conducted by MPS Mangalore.
59.??? Attended a web broadcast on anxiety and depression by speaker Prof Michael E Thase on 8th Dec 2012 conducted by Pfizer Neuroscience.
60.??? Attended 沙巴体育 conference on mind the gap held at Nitte rural psychiatric services 0n 5th and 6th Jan 2013.-international conference
61.??? Attended a guest lecture by Dr. Nagesh Pai “Cross cultural Psychiatry” held at KMC Hospital Attavar Mangalore, organized by MPS Mangalore on 17th Jan 2013.-local cme
62.??? NITK visit -7feb 2013
63.??? Summer sands drug launch- bonserine 7 feb 2013
64.??? PhD workshop at college7 feb2013
65.??? Attended the Indian Psychiatric society south zone CME -2013 organized by the dept of psychiatry, KMC 沙巴体育 on 23rd and 24th March 2013- Zonal Level
66.??? Attended a scientific session on “a decade of experience on escitalopram” held at hotel? gold finch Mangalore on 23rd apr 2013
67.??? Attended an 沙巴体育 seminar on “Psychopharmacology Update 2014” organized by Dept of Psychiatric Nursing- Father Muller College of Nursing on 12th Jan 2014 at Decennial Memorial Hall FMCI Mangalore.
68.??? Attended annual national psychiatric conference held Pune on 17th to 19th Jan 2014.
69.??? Chaired a scientific session on “Role of amisulpiride in treatment of schizophrenia” at a CME programme conducted by Mangalore Psychiatric Society held at Hotel Ocean Pearl Mangalore on 29th Jan.
70.??? Attended psychopharmac cme at? Medical education cell on 1st mar 2014
71.??? Attended a CME on “Child and adolescent Psychiatry” held on 9th Feb 2014, at K S Hegde Medical College Deralakatte, Mangalore.
72.??? Attended a CME programme on “Recent trends in psychiatric rehabilitation” conducted by Dept of Psychiatry, Yenepoya Medical College- Mangalore in association with Indian Psychiatric Society, Karnataka chapter on 5th mar 2014.
73.??? Chaired a scientific session on “psychiatric rehabilitation; recent development in India and in developed countries” at a CME programme held at Yenepoya Medical College in association with Indian Psychiatric Society on 5th mar 2014.
74.??? Attended a CME on “Sexuality and Intimacy: Historical debates and Current views” conducted by Mangalore Psychiatric Society on 12th Mar 2014.
75.??? Gave live phone in Hello Kmc Namma TV programme on “Exam Phobia and Its Management” on 16th mar 2014.
76.??? The certificate was presented “In appreciation of contribution to publications in the year 2014” during the Diamond Jubilee College Day and Awards Ceremony on 21st Mar 2014.
77.??? Chaired a scientific session on “Common Mental illnesses and treatment” at a workshop held at T.V. Raman Pai Convention Centre, Mangalore conducted? by Indian ?Psychiatric Society? Karnataka chapter in association with MPS Mangalore on 30th mar 2014.
78.??? Gave TV talk on nicotine cessation on 1st June 2014
Comparison of the effectiveness of music and progressive muscle relaxation for anxiety in COPD
2009-01-01 VP Singh V Rao Prem V
A randomized controlled pilot study
Pattern of psychotropic drug usage in psychiatric illnesses among elderly
2010-01-01 Sahana DA Rajeshwari S Ullal SD Rathnakar UP
Glaucoma- adverse event on use of topiramate in alcohol deaddiction
2011-01-01 Pooja Rajashekaran
A case report
A study to evaluate awareness of psychosomatic factors as a possible risk factor for periodontal diseases in general dental practitioners of Mangalore city
2011-01-01 Sangeeta Umesh Nayak Ashita Uppoor Dilip G Nayak
Stressing the stress and periodontal disease
2013-01-01 Nayak Sangeeta U
Prevalence of antenatal depression and gender preference
2013-01-01 Hegde Shruthi S Abhishekh Hulegar Sandeep KR
A cross sectional study among Mangalore population, Karnataka, India
Post?stroke depression and lesion location
2013-01-01 Pooja Rajashe Karan B Unnikrishnan
A hospital based cross-sectional study
Somatisation of symptoms in the geriatric population of Mangalore city
2013-01-01 Vishesh Sharma Mariella D’souza
Association of big five personality with perceived stress in medical postgraduates : A cross sectional study
2014-01-01 Donthu Raj Kiran Parameshwaram Soumya KR shyam Thunga Ravish
Indian J Psychiatry, IJP Vol 56, supplement-S68 Pubmed Index
Norfloxacin –induced hallucinations in an alcohol-dependent patient: A case reportfom a tertiary hospital set up
2014-01-01 Donthu Raj Kiran Parameshwaram Soumya
Indian J Psychiatry, IJP Vol 56, supplement-S71 Pubmed Index
Co-occurrence of depression in dementia in a tertiary care center
2014-01-01 Donthu Raj Kiran Parameshwaram Soumya KR shyam Thunga Ravish
Indian J Psychiatry, IJP Vol 56, supplement-S76 Pubmed Index
Depression and anxiety in patients undergoing investigations for the head and neck cancers
Mood disorder among peri-menopausal women was carried out at KMC Hospital
Nicotine dependence and other substance abuse among males, in a Professional college in Mangalore
Relationship between adolescent psychopathology with aberrations in psychosocial and psychosexual development
in Mangalore city- 沙巴体育 India
Depression in patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus attending outpatient services of a teaching hospital
Patterns and prevalence of substance abuse and psycho-social correlates amongst teenagers in Mangalore 沙巴体育 India
Across sectional study
Correlation of cortisol levels in gingival crevicular fluid to severity of periodontal disease in patients with anxiety and depression
Evaluation tolerability safety of memantine and donepezil in moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease as monotherapy and in combination
Post stroke depression and lesion location
A hospital based cross-sectional study
Assessment of care giver burden in patients with schizophrenia
Antidepressant and brief psychotherapy for depression in type II diabetes mellitus
Depression and dementia
Various health
Articles have been written in arogyavani Arogyavani column of Udayavani.
“Common mental disorders in school going children”
Namma TV Hello KMC live Phone - in TV programme in Namma TV Mangalore on 18th Jan 2009
“Obsessive compulsive disorder-Symptoms and Treatment”
Gave a Namma TV Hello KMC live Phone- in TV programme in Namma TV Mangalore on 5th July 2009.
“Children and behavioral problems”
Gave a Hello KMC live phone in programme on in all India Radio, Mangalore on 19th Dec 2008
“Common mental disorders in school going children”
Gave a Namma TV Hello KMC live Phone- in TV programme in Namma TV Mangalore on 18th Jan 2009